I spent some time trying to get to grips with the software that will allow me to read the spectra of the stars I photographed the other day.
I tried IRIS and VSpec, and quite quicky found that the learing curve was too steep for me to climb up. Then I tried RSpec and it all became much easier. Here's my first graph! It's not calibrated yet, so I can't tell you what it all means right now. I was about to make a breakthrough at 6.00 this morning then I had to get ready for work ;-(
I don't want to say too much at the moment, but I do believe I'm on the verge of discovering that stars are made of hydrogen!
Yes, I DO realise that boffins discovered that years ago, but has it occurred to YOU that I'm catching up with them??
For my other RSpec experiments see the Spectroscopy link in Categories (left hand sidebar)
Very nice job, Iain. Congratulations!
Posted by: Tom | January 28, 2011 at 12:23 PM
Thanks Tom ;-)
(Tom wrote the RSpec software, by the way)
Posted by: Iain | January 28, 2011 at 01:20 PM