...and hello Four Ages of Sand.
Recent problems with the 4AoS domain name led me to pondering why I stick with Typepad.
"Fouragesofsand.com" costs £10 a year and the full Typepad account costs....£100 a year. It's not a lot in the scheme of things, but on top of cost, I've never been happy with the quality of image reproduction on Typepad, and the whole thing is rather old-fashioned in its display of images. This has become more and more irksome as 4AoS becomes increasingly a photographic blog.
The solution: give it up! And start another. The Typepad 4AoS will still be here, but will revert to a basic, "view only" platform.
The new Four Ages of Sand can be found on Blogspot.
It's in the early stages but hopefully you'll like it just as much as 4AoS or even, like me, even more so. It's much easier to view full resolution images, as you simply click on one picture and then click again to scroll through the others in the post. The quality of reproduction is FAR superior to Typepad, and it's free, and I get to keep the 4AoS name, also for free, and even more importantly, for ever.
Thank you for all your support over the years (8 years exactly) and see you on the other side:
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